BOM 0.00% 7.7¢ bondi mining limited

re: Ann: Boardroom Radio Interview with Manag... I don't have...

  1. 5,381 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 316
    re: Ann: Boardroom Radio Interview with Manag... I don't have access to the exact figures Nympth as the top 20 list (as at Nov 18th), is in my work email inbox. But from memory it is approximately:

    Laguna Bay Capital 12.1m
    Springtide 12.1m
    Acorn (National Nominees) 8.3m
    Taylor Collisons 5m+ (approx)

    I really like the look of the register. As you've said Nymph, if they don't strike anything these guys who have recently taken up the placement and Buffalo Gold's holdings have no chance of exiting. But seriously I think they could be onto several deposits hence their claim of a possibility of a 'world class mineral district which BOM are the dominant holder'. Who knows, maybe an unconformity deposit in the west and an Iron Oxide Copper-Gold-Uranium @ UC19. They've been testing the geology for over three years and it's coming down to crunch time.

    From what I've learnt and experienced in the past, the 'big money' is made when no-one else is interested. I've been pretty much the only buyer over the last two weeks. I can't believe it. No interest on HC and no interest on the market (except of course in the way of those 'funds')

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