RMY 0.00% 4.0¢ rma global limited

Ann: Broker presentation quarterly update, page-2

  1. 76 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    1,600 new agent subscriptions in 6 months (Dec 2022-June 2023]. No increase in subscriptions March-June 2023.
    Meanwhile stock price sinks to ~8cents. Mr Williams has been spruiking this stock as a bolter for years. He must be very disappointed. I know I am. Why in such a tight US market would agents not invest a small sum for a subscription to give themselves an advantage over others? Active agent penetration is circa 1% after years of marketing. Why? What's the problem? Or is the board satisfied with this performance?
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Mkt cap ! $26.57M
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4.0¢ 4.0¢ 4.0¢ $1.706K 42.65K

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2 480328 3.9¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
4.3¢ 130000 1
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Last trade - 12.02pm 10/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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