AVR 0.11% $9.50 anteris technologies global corp.

Ann: CardioCel and VascuCel rights sold to LeMaitre Vascular, page-267

  1. 1,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 188
    ^All this TAVR information etc might be great, but makes zero difference to the final outcome of small Australian shareholders if this company is not going to look after small Australian shareholders....In other words, at all times make the best decisions for their interests...
    I am sorry, but has there been any evidence this is the primary intention of this company?
    You all seem to be taking this for granted, but where is the evidence?
    ...to the contrary.. (please correct me if I am wrong) but wasn't one of the leading shareholders just favoured ahead of other shareholders (as per a recent independent report?)
    Despite owning exactly the same type and category of shares as everyone else?

    Last edited by asxunsullied: 09/02/20
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