As a recalcitrant minority shareholder, I am very pleased to have FMG and their allies as co-recalcitrant minority shareholders also. I also note there are thousands of small aussie shareholders on the books still (was 30,000 of us in 2017 AR holding under 1.5M shares many who bought shares at 50c-400c).
As for Gina destroying AGO, it will not look good to screw FMG & all of us battlers in her only ASX listed controlled entity especially as this is contrary to her bidders statement which clearly outlined her plans including BOD & management cleanout, strategic review, port berth utility & continued production.
Gina has rail, port berths, cash and existing IO production from Roy Hill nearby. There are many synergies with Roy Hill AGO & FMG that all 3 can and surely will utilise the main being AGOs continuation means no exemption is needed as to the port berths so Roy Hill can boost production & export through AGOs mines and port berths, smart!
Gina cant turn AGO into a subsidiary as she doesnt own 100% and never will.
She knew she couldnt when she bid as FMG had 19.9% blocking stake.
Now all the cheap dead wood and poisonous yankee equity is gone, soon the yankee debt & their proxy BOD will be gone also and AGO will be run like a mean lean cashflow machine by aussie owners and managers with a very tight share register like the good ole days.
The rich get richer, destroying something she just spent $260M cash on in paper scrip is not part of her plan imho and any suggestion of that means you just dont understand Gina or twiggy or super rich people.