AV1 8.24% 9.2¢ adveritas limited

Yes I'm a bit negative, when they go from 13 mill a 1/4 down to...

  1. 6,439 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 42
    Yes I'm a bit negative, when they go from 13 mill a 1/4 down to 5 mill and say that rev will pick up with apac from the march 1/4 then the news is this
    (This new Client is the first to be engaged by Tech Mpire in APAC, and is a validation of TMP’s strategy to reach new high growth markets, targeting well funded mobile advertisers in the region.)
    only to find out their sorta engaged with rev to come later if chosen, it hardly makes you feel that the rev will get back up to where it was, this end of town a growth stock needs to be growing not shrinking by half and she be right mate trust us

    still with 5 mill rev a 1/4 it should be over 20 cents
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Mkt cap ! $72.97M
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9.0¢ 9.4¢ 9.0¢ $109.8K 1.205M

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1 194445 9.2¢

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9.4¢ 24720 1
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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