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Originally posted by kori
Penrice I will give you the benefit of the doubt as some of your posts are just imbecilic. I just hope you are not one of those HC trolls that just like to stir the pot and seek an argument with no intention of buying with just the aim of feeding a warped personality (sad life).
So let me respond rationally:
I was one of the shareholders to participate in the last cap raising..I hope that makes you feel better! You can always ask ASX or the company for the top 20 is not top secret..(BTW ask the shareholders who bought into OneTel how well they did when Murdoch and Packer bought into their company!)
If you do your research you will know that the Chinese have bought in big time, you will also know that the company has a published JORC of 1 million oz of gold. The company has also publish a timetable which includes a yet to be updated JORC based on the last 4 months of drilling results and an objective to mine before year end. If you watch the video on the VAN website you will see the infrastructure is well advanced. However Penrice you always come back to the two issues of funding and VAN being over valued. I would like to know based on what criteria? VAN has always managed to stay funded and alive for over 16 years (despite past management foulups) It can pull $5m without trying (i know because the amount I got was severely restricted). The average global gold mine extraction is around 1.5 - 2.0 g/t, VAN substantially exceeds that benchmark. VAN's recent share options of 27 cents are currently being purchased at .037 - .04 cents - so a lot of people reckon the opposite; that VAN is currently under valued...Penrice I repeat I seriously hope I haven't wasted my time and this explanation on a HC troll??
Seems like there's a lot of stress here over a couple of simple questions / request Kori. Been called a lot of things ( a Troll), well that's new LOL. I understand you have invested @ 18cents and you hope to make a return on that investment, I hope you do, really I do. I'll call in from time to time and see how your investment is travelling, or if I annoy you that much I encourage you to make use of the ignore button.
Cheers, Penrice