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    U16 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States—Vanadium
    Shale-Hosted Vanadium Deposits

    Vanadium-rich metalliferous black shales occur primarily
    in late Proterozoic and Phanerozoic marine successions. The
    term shale is used here broadly to include a range of carbonaceous rocks that include marls and mudstones. These finegrained sedimentary rocks were deposited in epeiric (inland)
    seas and on continental margins. They typically contain high
    concentrations of organic matter (greater than 5 percent) and
    reduced sulfur (greater than 1 percent; mainly as pyrite), as
    well as a suite of metals, such as copper, molybdenum, nickel,
    PGEs, silver, uranium, vanadium, and zinc (Desborough and
    others, 1979; Coveney and Martin, 1983; Coveney and others,
    1992; Hatch and Leventhal, 1992; Piper, 1999). Concentrations regularly exceed 0.18 percent V2
    and can be as high
    as 1.7 percent V2
    . Vanadiferous black shales are commonly
    found with phosphorite deposits and marine oil shales and,
    in North America, are marine equivalents of coal-bearing
    cyclothems. Well-characterized vanadiferous black shales
    include the Woodruff Formation in Nevada (Desborough and
    others, 1979), the Meade Peak Phosphatic Shale Member of
    the Phosphoria Formation in Idaho and Wyoming (McKelvey
    and others, 1986; Love and others, 2003), the Mecca Quarry
    Shale Member of Illinois and Indiana (Coveney and others,
    1987), the Doushantuo Formation in Hubei Province in
    southern China (Fan and others, 1992), and portions of the
    Toolebuc Formation in Queensland, Australia (Lewis and
    others, 2010). Although these black shales have long been
    recognized as potential sources of vanadium, they are not
    currently exploited. Project development is underway at the
    Gibellini vanadium prospect in Nevada (Woodruff Formation),
    and if production begins, it will be the first primary shalehosted producer of vanadium in the United States. The Julia
    Creek deposit (Toolebuc Formation) is also in the planning
    stages. The Green Giant deposit in southern Madagascar
    (Energizer Resources, Inc., 2013) consists of metamorphosed
    vanadiferous shale that extends for at least 21 km along strike
    and is reported to contain about 350,000 metric tons of V2
    (table U1; fig. U1).
    The ultimate source of vanadium in metalliferous black
    shales is dissolved vanadium in seawater
    (Breit and Wanty,
    1991; Piper, 1994). Whereas the specific mechanisms of
    enrichment are disputed, all require the reduction of dissolved
    V5+ (Breit and Wanty, 1991), which is the predominant redox
    state in the oceans (Collier, 1984). Vanadium is used by
    various phytoplankton species (Robson and others, 1986;
    Moore and others, 1996), and sedimentation of phytoplankton
    debris likely acts as a minor source of vanadium in black
    shales (Piper, 1994). In oxygen-deficient bottom waters and
    pore waters, dissolved vanadium is reduced to particle-reactive
    V4+ and is incorporated into the sedimentary fraction (Wehrli
    and Stumm, 1989). Further reduction to V3+ requires the
    presence of dissolved aqueous sulfide (H2
    S) and promotes the
    incorporation of vanadium into sedimentary organic matter
    and authigenic clays (Lewan and Maynard, 1982; Lewan,
    1984; Breit and Wanty, 1991).
    Vanadium concentrations correlate with organic carbon
    in black shales, suggesting that vanadium is incorporated
    into organic matter upon burial (Breit and Wanty, 1991).
    Black shales that have been buried to depths sufficient to pass
    through the oil window typically produce petroleum that has
    high vanadium concentrations (Lewan and Maynard, 1982;
    Lewan, 1984). Conversely, vanadium can become incorporated
    into illite upon burial (Peacor and others, 2000). Because no
    modern analogues for vanadiferous black shales are known, the
    processes of vanadium enrichment are not well understood.
    Vanadium-rich black shales of North America occur
    in Devonian to Permian marine successions. Black shale of
    the Upper Devonian Woodruff Formation (Nevada) contains
    0.5 to 1.2 percent V2
    O5 in unaltered rocks containing high
    concentrations of organic matter (greater than 10 percent)
    (Desborough and others, 1979, 1981). Oxidized zones of
    the Woodruff Formation contain 1.1 to 1.4 percent V2
    reflecting secondary enrichment of vanadium during
    oxidation; the principal vanadium mineral in the oxidized
    shales is metahewettite (CaV6
    O162 • H2
    Vanadiferous black shales are also found with Pennsylvanian cyclothems of North America (Coveney and Martin,
    1983; Coveney and others, 1987; Coveney and Glascock,
    1989; Hatch and Leventhal, 1992). These typically thin,
    metalliferous black shales occur throughout the midcontinent
    region. The Mecca Quarry Shale of Illinois and Indiana is
    conspicuously rich in various metals, including vanadium,
    with concentrations of up to 10,000 ppm (Coveney and
    Martin, 1983). These concentrations of vanadium exceed that
    of many VTM deposits; however, because the Mecca Quarry
    Shale is only a few tens of centimeters thick, it is not considered an economically viable vanadium resource (Coveney and
    Martin, 1983). Vanadium enrichments in the Mecca Quarry
    Shale could be related to the action of basinal brines, similar
    to processes that concentrate lead-zinc in Mississippi Valleytype (MVT) deposits (Coveney and Glascock, 1989), although
    direct evidence for this mineralizing process is lacking.
    The Permian Phosphoria Formation in Idaho and Wyoming
    contains a world-class phosphate deposit that also includes
    vanadium-rich strata (McKelvey and others, 1986; Piper, 1999).
    The black-shale interval within the Meade Peak Phosphatic
    Shale Member contains an average of 1.2 percent V2
    (Piper, 1999) and, since the early 1940s, has been considered
    a potential economic source of vanadium (Love and others,
    2003). In the 1960s, vanadium and uranium were produced
    from ferrophosphorus, a byproduct of an elemental phosphorus
    plant in southeastern Idaho (McKelvey and others, 1986). The
    occurrence of vanadium-rich shale with black-shale-hosted
    phosphorite deposits is common worldwide and suggests that
    steep and (or) fluctuating redox gradients existed within bottom
    waters and pore waters of the sedimentary basin (Piper, 1994).
    The Julia Creek deposit in the Cretaceous Toolebuc
    Formation in Queensland, Australia, is an example of a
    vanadium-rich oil shale (Riley and Saxby, 1982; Patterson,
    Ramsden, and others, 1986). The oil shale was deposited in
    a shallow, epicontinental sea under reducing bottom water
    Geology U17
    conditions that promoted the enrichment of vanadium.
    Concentrations range from 0.1 to 1.0 percent V2
    . Other
    known vanadium-rich (greater than 0.17 percent V2
    O5) oil
    shales include the Mississippian Heath Formation in Montana
    (Desborough and others, 1981; Derkey and others, 1985)
    and the Cretaceous La Luna Formation, which is a major
    petroleum source rock in Colombia and Venezuela (AlberdiGenolet and Tocco, 1999).
    Associated metals.—Vanadium-rich black shales
    commonly contain high contents of other metals, such as
    silver, barium, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, PGEs, uranium, and zinc. Well-characterized deposits
    include the following (metals associated with vanadium are
    in parentheses): Julia Creek (molybdenum) in Queensland,
    Australia (Lewis and others, 2010); Nick (nickel, PGEs, and
    zinc) in Yukon Territory, Canada (Hulbert and others, 1992);
    and Viken (molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, and uranium)
    and Häggån (uranium, molybdenum, and nickel) in Sweden
    (Hallberg, 2012; Aura Energy, 2012). As reported by Coveney
    and others (1992), carbonaceous and phosphatic black shales
    of Cambrian age in China, which have reported values
    exceeding 4 percent V2
    , contain exceptionally high grades
    of nickel (from 2 to 4 percent) and molybdenum (>2 percent),
    and high concentrations of PGEs (20 to 80 parts per billion
    for platinum and palladium combined). Although vanadium
    has not been recovered from these strata, molybdenum and
    nickel have been mined on a small scale in China since about
    1985. Metamorphosed sulfide- and phosphate-rich black
    shale in southwestern Catalonia, Spain, contains unusually
    high concentrations of vanadium and chromium (as silicates
    and oxides) together with palladium and platinum minerals
    (Canet and others, 2003). The Talvivaara deposit in Finland
    has elevated contents of vanadium (averages 600 ppm)
    (Loukola-Ruskeeniemi and Heino, 1996; Loukola-Ruskeeniemi and Lahtinen, 2013), and until recently, was mined for
    cobalt, copper, nickel, and zinc, all of which were extracted
    using a bioheapleach mineral processing method (Jowitt and
    Keays, 2011; Saari and Riekkola-Vanhanen, 2012; LoukolaRuskeeniemi and Lahtinen, 2013). Vanadium is not currently
    recovered by this process, however.
    Vanadate Deposits
    Vanadates of lead, zinc, and copper (vanadinite and minerals
    of the descloizite-mottramite series) form in the oxidized zones
    of base-metal deposits, especially in areas of arid climate and
    deep oxidation (Fischer, 1975a). The copper-lead-zinc vanadate
    ores in the Otavi Mountainland of northern Namibia were
    once considered to be among the largest vanadium deposits
    in the world, with an estimated resource of several million
    metric tons (Boni and others, 2007). Other areas with known
    vanadate deposits include Angola, South Africa, Zambia (Broken
    Hill district, now known as the Kabwe Mine), and Zimbabwe
    (fig. U1). Small deposits occur in Argentina, Mexico, and the
    United States (Arizona, California, Nevada, and New Mexico),
    but are unlikely ever to be economically significant resources.
    Vanadates as a supply of vanadium essentially ceased in 1978
    when the last producing vanadium mine at Berg Aukas (Otavi
    Mountainland) in Namibia was closed.
    Vanadate minerals and wulfenite (a lead molybdate
    mineral) within these deposits form crusts on open cavities
    or are intergrown with residual clays (Fischer, 1975a). The
    vanadate ores in the Otavi Mountainland occur in collapse
    breccias and solution cavities related to karst development in
    Neoproterozoic carbonate rocks of the Otavi Supergroup and
    are spatially associated with primary sulfide orebodies within
    the carbonate strata (Boni and others, 2007). Mottramite and
    copper descloizite are particularly abundant around copper
    sulfide deposits (Tsumeb type), whereas descloizite occurs in
    areas surrounding primary sphalerite-willemite (a zinc silicate
    mineral) orebodies (Berg Aukas type).
    Vanadate deposits are secondary accumulations that form
    during supergene processes. The vanadate ores of the Otavi
    Supergroup are interpreted to have formed during several
    stages, preferentially within a karstic network. The vanadate
    ores, formed by low-temperature fluids related to weathering,
    are clearly distinct in age from that of the associated primary
    sulfide concentrations (Boni and others, 2007). The source
    of vanadium in such deposits is most likely the surrounding
    country rocks, especially shales (Fischer, 1975a), or in the
    case of the Otavi Mountainland deposits, mafic rocks of the
    older Paleoproterozoic basement (Boni and others, 2007).
    Other Magmatic-Hydrothermal Vanadium Resources
    Some magmatic-hydrothermal niobium-titanium deposits
    contain elevated concentrations of vanadium. Deposits at
    Potash Sulphur Springs (also called Wilson Springs) in
    Arkansas were the most important sources of vanadium in
    North America in the 1970s and 1980s, and nearly 4.3 million
    metric tons of 1.2 percent V2
    was produced. By 1990, all
    the mines at Wilson Springs were closed (Howard and Owens,
    1995). The deposits are located within secondary enrichment
    zones and fenite that formed during and after intrusion of
    syenite and mafic alkalic igneous rocks (McCormick, 1978).
    The Wilson Springs deposits host a variety of vanadiumbearing minerals (Howard and Owens, 1995), including
    several minerals specific to these deposits (table U2).
    Adjacent carbonatite and alkaline igneous complexes at
    the Christy deposit within the Magnet Cove complex in
    Arkansas have high concentrations of vanadium together with
    titanium, niobium, and (or) rare-earth elements (Verplanck
    and Van Gosen, 2011; Flohr, 1994), and carbonatites and
    related rocks in Kenya are enriched in vanadium (Barber,
    1974). Typical vanadium concentrations in such deposits are
    about 1 percent and are contained in magnetite and titanium
    minerals. At Magnet Cove and Wilson Springs, sodic pyroxene
    and magnetite contain up to 3.19 and 1.43 weight percent
    , respectively, and high concentrations occur in goethite
    (Flohr, 1994; Howard and Owens, 1995).
    Several other deposit types contain vanadium concentrations that are noteworthy, but all are presently uneconomic and
    U18 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States—Vanadium
    are unlikely to be considered vanadium resources in the future.
    For example, heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from iron
    ores (Kiruna-type apatite-magnetite deposits) in Sweden and
    Chile have reported high concentrations (1,000 to 2,000 ppm)
    of vanadium (Nyström and Henríquez, 1994) and iron oxide
    mineral separates (magnetite and hematite) from such deposits
    contain up to 0.479 weight percent vanadium (Dupuis and
    Beaudoin, 2011). Vanadium concentrations of a few tenths of a
    percent are also common in titanium-bearing minerals, such as
    rutile and brookite (table U2) in some epithermal gold-silver
    and porphyry copper deposits (Fischer, 1973). For example,
    porphyry deposits in Australia contain rutile with vanadium
    contents of 0.2 and 1.3 weight percent (Scott, 2005), and rutile
    from the Pebble porphyry deposit in Alaska has vanadium
    concentrations that average 6.3 weight percent (Kelley and
    others, 2011). Even iron-rich minerals that do not contain
    titanium, such as magnetite and hematite, in some porphyry
    deposits contain elevated concentrations (up to 0.619 weight
    percent) of vanadium (Dupuis and Beaudoin, 2011).
    In some gold-quartz veins, especially those containing
    gold-telluride minerals, roscoelite and other vanadium-bearing
    minerals are common as fine-grained intergrowths with quartz
    and other gangue minerals (Richards, 1995). In the Tuvatu
    gold-telluride deposit in Viti Levu, Fiji, vanadium occurs
    in roscoelite together with karelianite, vanadian muscovite,
    titanium-free nolanite, vanadian rutile, schreyerite, and an
    unnamed vanadium silicate mineral (Spry and Scherbarth,
    2006). Rutile in the Tuvatu deposit contains up to 5.2 weight
    percent V2
    ; roscoelite contains 32.71 weight percent
    , which is among the highest reported vanadium value
    for roscoelite from an epithermal gold-tellurium deposit
    (Spry and Scherbarth, 2006). The source of the vanadium
    is probably magnetite-bearing mafic alkalic igneous rocks
    that are spatially associated with the gold ores (Spry and
    Scherbarth, 2006).
    Fossil Fuels
    Vanadium closely correlates with organic carbon and,
    therefore, is enriched in many oil shales. It follows that
    significant amounts of vanadium are available for commercial
    use as a byproduct of petroleum, and minor amounts are
    produced as byproducts of coal and tar sands (Breit, 1992;
    Polyak, 2012, 2013). At least 10 percent of the world’s supply
    of vanadium comes from coal, crude oil, and petroleum
    (Polyak, 2012, 2013). The highest concentrations of vanadium
    are in heavy crude oils (Breit, 1992). Most of the world’s
    heavy oil and vanadiferous petroleum resources are located
    in Venezuela. These oilfields contain consistently high (up to
    1,400 ppm) concentrations of vanadium (Kapo, 1978). Other
    oils with greater than 50 ppm vanadium are produced in Iran
    and Japan, and from several fields within the United States,
    including Alaska, Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi,
    Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming. Vanadium is recovered from
    oil by processing ash generated in thermoelectric powerplants,
    petroleum coke residues generated during refining of heavy
    oils, and residues plated onto catalysts
    (Breit, 1992).
    Vanadium abundances in ashes formed by burning coals
    generally range from 0.01 to 0.3 weight percent, with some
    as high as 8 percent (Reynolds, 1948). The lowest values are
    contained in coals formed from subaerial plant material; the
    highest concentrations are in marine sapropelic coals (Breit,
    1992). Although China is the only producer of vanadium
    from coal, coal deposits in Venezuela contain high vanadium
    contents. The average vanadium content of coal in the
    United States is 20 ppm (Swanson and others, 1976).
    Tar sands are large deposits of bitumen or extremely
    heavy crude oil. The sands were originally named for those
    in the Athabasca region in northeastern Alberta, Canada, and
    tar sand deposits in this region are the best known examples
    in the world. Other documented occurrences are in Alabama,
    Alaska, California, Kansas, Kentucky, Oklahoma, Missouri,
    New Mexico, Texas, and Utah in the United States (Wever
    and Kustin, 1990), and in other countries, such as Jordan
    (Breit, 1992; Dill and others, 2009). The oil sands consist
    of a mixture of crude bitumen (a semisolid form of crude
    oil), silica sand, clay minerals, and water. Production of
    refinery-grade oil from the tar sand deposits generates a
    substantial amount of petroleum coke fly ash that may contain
    appreciable amounts of valuable metals, such as nickel,
    titanium, and vanadium. The amount and form of vanadium
    varies, depending on the nature of the sands. Tar sands in the
    Athabasca region average several hundred ppm vanadium,
    whereas other localities contain lower concentrations

    (Wever and Kustin, 1990; Breit, 1992).
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