NOR 0.00% 3.1¢ norwood systems limited

Ann: Commencement of Worldwide Beta Testing of World Wi-Fi, page-189

  1. 3,497 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1564
    Best post I've seen mate!
    Where have you been all year.. just picking the perfect time to jump aboard!?
    Couldn't agree more with your post, and am honestly stoked someone is finally on this thread seeing things as I do.
    ..almost making me look like a down ramper
    Without upping it, I honestly also believe 8-12c range, ONCE a couple of logo customers are over the line/$1m+ jobs.
    $100k+ MC is still low, especially compared to some of these other nothing specs getting pumped around lately.
    As things are right now, I think we should be still around the previous raise - 3.5-4c..
    We know its been heavily manipulated, and still being done over by at least 1 main holder.
    All we need is that big signature, and it can do anything.
    Everything with specs these days is so far exaggerated both ways with manipulation.. the pros do as they please and clean up.
    I first bought in at 15 or 16c, which was basically just a punt on momentum because I was sick of seeing Nor continue rising being a part of it.. I wanted a quick few large, ended out topping up/averaging down then learning alot more about the company and opting to stay in and keep buying.
    Back then Nor was pushed to stupid highs by brokers, now it's been pushed to ridiculous lows by big players. I don't think nor is currently priced anywhere near where it should be. Their products alone are worth the share price IMO patents, partnerships, progress, potential.. now bring on the Profit already.

    Also.. I assume android message is up and about? Hopefully that brings on some of those finance sector signatures.
    Last edited by Holla: 20/09/17
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1 17400 2.9¢

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3.1¢ 28719 1
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