SP1 0.00% $1.07 southern cross payments ltd

Ann: Commences Federal Court Action against ASX, page-2270

  1. 2,291 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 582
    Haha...Anie...do you realise you are helping to create 700 pages of the opposite sentiment by your constant banging on. 90% of viewers for the past week and ever more increasingly in the last few days your posts have encouraged people to rebut you. Everyone but a few seem to want the court to supress the report and now have a bit more faith than previously in ISX and their decision making. The posters you are frustrating with your rubbish are most likely also now emailing ASX and CCing ISX with their current sentiment.
    Shareholders should thank you for your current service to ISX in creating HARD EVIDENCE here.
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