CND 3.45% 2.8¢ condor energy limited

Ann: Company and Vanadium Update, page-19

  1. 2,420 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 750
    Where did I state any particular asset!

    They have narrowed down to just 1 or 2 assets! 

    With JB'S other two wins I would suggest you do some research and make your own mind up if this would mean they will find the pick of the bunch.

    With their connections in the DRC and other PROFITABLE plays in their hand now, I would suggest we will have 1-2 near production Vanadium plays about to surface also.

    Please don't put words into my mouth though. 

    If you don't believe this then I would suggest you are very blind sighted and will miss another train about to leave the station!

    By all means sit on the side lines and watch this third JB play do it's thing!tongue.png

    I am loaded however ready for the trifecta! 

    All IMO of course.

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