M4M 0.00% 1.5¢ macro metals limited

Good and thoughtful comments korni. I'd imagine that the new...

  1. 5,725 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 320
    Good and thoughtful comments korni.

    I'd imagine that the new JORC code simply does not allow the Co to make comments on what you raise, i.e. first they must get the JORC Inferred and Scoping Study completed and then they can make such announcements.

    However, as can be seen in what has been announced, the Co is planning a 5 mtpa initial production and, as all good miners do, they are targeting the low strip ratio/higher grade material in just one part of the ore-body for this early production.

    It is not that the process requires higher grade, it is just that this is what you would normally do in any project for the early years.

    Then as you increase production, and open up the mine strike length, you include a broader range of material which (in grade) is going to be closer to the average resource grade for the entire deposit.
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