Originally posted by Jimmy_C
This all seems a bit bizarre and haphazard, and unnecessary - structure of cap raising and proposed transfer to UK listing is tantamount to raising their middle finger at Aus retail holders. Will be interesting to see how this trades upon reopening...
As a retail holder im happy about this,
1) LCA trades at 6x earnings using conservative accounting while Burford Capital in the UK is trading at 15x using less conservative accounting as they mark their book up.
2) Access to cheaper capital in UK will allow them to scale even quicker than they would have being listed on the ASX
3) Trading in the same market as Burford will attract better quality investors and institutions than being listed on the ASX *just look how many ASX companies have been taken over recently because aussie fundies dont know how to value businesses.
4) Directors taking $750k of the $8m capital raise - they stand to lose more than anyone
Sure its not ideal holding shares listed in another country, but if they manage to pull this off and scale the business like Burford has been able to, i doubt anyone will care.