re: Ann: Completion of Due Diligence and Noti... Illiquid,
Just TRY to understand this is is NOT another 11%. It is part of the original number of shares that Bayan were getting. You make it sound like it was added on after. It was not it is just how the 2.3 billion shares were distributed.
And yes you may get a surprise about what the management have been doing in regards to Pinjim Pakai. And yes the company has done everything correctly and the article you are talking about refers mainly to palm oil plantations.
And yes there is a presidential decree regarding NEW applications for Pinjim Pakai but not with existing permits already in the process.
So once again half truths to scare the masses. Please sometimes a little knowledge can be dangerous. Try to understand it all before you start trying to scare people.
detikcom - Jakarta, Instruksi Presiden (Inpres) Inpres No 10 Tahun 2011 terkait moratorium (penundaan) izin kawasan hutan alam dan gambut mengecualikan 4 hal. Dari pengecualian tersebut, sektor perkebunan kelapa sawit tak masuk, sehingga pembukaan lahan barunya tetap dilarang.
Berdasarkan Inpres itu, moratorium izin penggunaan kawasan hutan alam primer dan lahan gambut tak berlaku atau dikecualikan kepada empat hal yaitu:
Permohonan yang telah mendapat persetujuan prinsip dari Menteri Kehutanan.
Pelaksanaan pembangunan nasional yang bersifat vital yaitu geothermal minyak dan gas bumi, ketenagalistrikan, lahan untuk padi dan tebu.
Perpanjangan izin pemanfaatan hutan dan/atau penggunaan kawasan hutan yang telah ada sepanjang izin di bidang usahanya masih berlaku.
Restorasi ekosistem.
Dalam Inpres itu diatur juga soal penundaan pemberian izin baru berlaku untuk hutan alam primer dan lahan gambut yang berada di hutan konservasi, hutan lindung, hutan produksi (hutan produksi terbatas, hutan produksi biasa atau tetap, hutan produksi yang dapat dikonversi) dan area penggunaan lain.
Tidak dimasukkannya perkebungan kelapa sawit dalam pengecualian moratorium tersebut langsung dikecam kalangan pengusaha kelapa sawit. Ketentuan tersebut dinilai sebagai bentuk ketidakpedulian pemerintah terhadap industri kelapa sawit.
"Apakah ini diskriminasi kesannya sawit dianggap pejahat. Berarti dengan kata lain sawit tidak diangap vital oleh pemerintah, padahal ini sama-sama komoditi," kata Sekjen Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit (Gapki) Joko Supriyono kepada detikFinance, Jumat (20/5/2011).
Joko menambahkan selama ini sektor sawit memberikan imbas yang sangat positif terhadap pengurangan kemiskinan, penciptaan tenaga kerja, penerimaan negara dari sisi devisa dan pajak dan pembangua wilayah Sent from my BlackBerry? powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
Indonesian to English translation
AFP - Jakarta, Presidential Instruction (Instruction) Presidential Instruction No. 10 Year 2011 related to a moratorium (delay) permits natural forests and peat exclude 4 things. Of these exceptions, the palm oil sector did not enter, so that the opening of his new land remains prohibited.
Based Instruction, the moratorium permit the use of primary natural forests and peatlands can not apply or exempt the four things:
Application that has received approval in principle from the Ministry of Forestry.
The implementation of national development which is vital to the geothermal oil and gas, electricity, land for rice and sugar cane.
Extension of forest utilization licenses and / or use of existing forest areas along the line of business license is still valid.
Ecosystem restoration.
In Presidential Instruction was arranged also about the delay of new licensing applies to primary natural forests and peat lands in conservation forests, protection forests, production forests (limited production forests, regular or permanent production forest, production forest that can be converted) and other use areas .
No inclusion of palm oil in the exclusion perkebungan moratorium immediately denounced businessmen palm. Such provision is considered as a form of government indifference toward the palm oil industry.
"Is this discrimination is considered pejahat palm impression. Means other words, oil is not considered vital by the government, even though these are both commodities," said Secretary General of Association of Oil Palm (Gapki) Joko Supriyono to detikFinance, Friday (20/05/2011) .
Joko added during the oil sector provides a very positive impact on poverty reduction, employment creation, foreign exchange receipts from the state and territory taxes and pembangua
I have included the original article and a translation into English.
I hope that this clears things up a bit for you
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