DNA 5.00% 3.2¢ donaco international limited

From the report, it appears they will find a new CEO in short...

  1. 487 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 58
    From the report, it appears they will find a new CEO in short term. Perhaps before Easter.

    They are speaking to a number of potential strategic investors. Maybe that's why they are eagerly settling with vendor so that they can offload their share at break even price without losing their under wear.

    Correct me if I am wrong. If a court or arbitrator has made an award, it is legal binding to honour the award? You can't have negotiation?
    Settlement must come before award?

    They probably work out that vendor will find other avenue to appeal the decision.

    Like all of us, they took a swing at the best case. Missed. Just wanna get rid of it to a natural operator and move on instead of dragging it on for years in the court. They are fast money investment house not even private equity or big chain like Wynn or Genting. At 14 cents, it is still a pocket change for the big chain to come in and plant a flag in two countries without doing any grunt work. Obviously, the big chain won't march in without all the legal mess sorted out.

    Last edited by rogermht: 05/03/20
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