AKP 0.00% $6.20 audio pixels holdings limited

From statutory reporting ......"The principal activity of the...

  1. 881 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 586
    From statutory reporting ......

    "The principal activity of the Company is holding an investment in Audio Pixels Limited of Israel."


    In regards to the inter-company receivables, this was the only note I could find from the auditors - 2016


    December 2023 the receivable balance of $US 38,439,000 is written off ... "this loan balance be written off during the reporting period. On commercialisation of Audio Pixels Limited’s technology, this intercompany loan recoverability will be re-assessed."

    Make of this information what you will, but be careful !! Apparently it can make peoples brains explode to the point that they are only capable of ad hominem responses.

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