ooft all right.
But leaving aside the issue of whether or not they can perfect their product and quickly commercialise it, writing off this inter company loan has the effect of making the balance sheet of APL look a whole lot better (and the parent company's a whole lot worse).
Also don't forget APL own all the IP.
Many here have said they don't believe Fred would walk away from his dream and all it has cost him. I agree.
If I were a shareholder I'd be asking "would Fred be prepared to cut shareholders loose?"
Not making any predictions here or saying I know what is going to happen, but if I were a shareholder that is what I'd be worried about right now.
Maybe the sky faries will come in the next few days and leave $10mil under Freds pillow, you never know !
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ooft all right.But leaving aside the issue of whether or not...
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