AKP 0.00% $6.20 audio pixels holdings limited

The Corporations Act clearly shows that the AGM has to be held...

  1. 880 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 586
    The Corporations Act clearly shows that the AGM has to be held by the 31st May and that 28 days notice has to be given.

    If an application had been made for an extension of time to hold the AGM, it would have to of been made in early April in order to give ASIC enough time to review it and either give approval, or decline it in which case the company would still be able to give 28 days notice and hold its AGM on the 31st May.
    If such an application had been made and approval for an extension given, this would be information that would need to be disclosed to the market.

    Obviously none of those things has happened.

    PS. Uncle Bob is quite funny loving all his pictures.

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