HMX 0.00% 3.3¢ hammer metals limited

Ann: Copper and Gold Intersected in latest Drilling at Mt Isa, page-4

  1. 1,116 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6454
    Hammer's time will come I think.

    Cooper [email protected]% copper - shares tripled in 2 weeks
    Carnaby [email protected]% copper on 17th November
    Sunshine [email protected]/t gold - shares tripled in one week

    Hammer is in a great ground position and it's time will come I think. Unfortunately until the market ascribes value to molybdenum at Kalman it lags behind. This may take an offtake agreement and we are years away from that in terms of development.

    Hammer needs to drill holes around Mount Hope, we all expect similar great copper intersections there but they have no market value until they are real.

    It would be in the interests of shareholders as a whole to discover great intersections around Mount Hope, I don't understand the delay. It is keeping a lid on the share price I think.

    DYOR Not investment advice or a guarantee of great intersections (which is the point, mythical future intersections have very little impact on share price until proven).
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