DNA 0.00% 2.8¢ donaco international limited

Ann: Coronavirus Impact, page-33

  1. 4,427 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 77

    i was travelling in China, HK, Singapore, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand just 8 weeks ago. and the weather between HK and these SEA countries are stark difference.. HK and china, i have to wear my jacket. But not in these other SEA countries.

    Also, the living and transport mode are very different between each country. This play a big role in the transmission rate.. give it maybe 2-3 weeks... we'll know if weather play a role in inhibiting the virus tranmission.

    This could be a game changer for casino locate in Cambodia, compare to Macau.

    Although Macau will also be going into summer soon.

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