DNA 0.00% 2.8¢ donaco international limited

Ann: Coronavirus Impact, page-37

  1. 4,427 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 77
    numbers of coronavirus infection in the US and Europe rise dramatically over the past 72 hours.

    Very ironic, this virus start out from China. But now China seems to be a safer place to park my money till this virus crisis is over.

    From next week, iam liquidating all my US and European market exposure and moving over to the Asia market for the next couple of months.. This virus crisis has only just began in the US and Europe, they’ve got a couple of months of lockdown and self isolation before this crisis is over. Come June, when summer begin in the northern hemisphere, would be a good time to get back into the US & European markets again.

    Mean whilst, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia infection rate numbers seems alright. I think the low infection rate is probably due to their hot humid tropical weather all year round.

    Casino in Macau have closed, Casino in the US will close soon, same with casinos in europe. Star Vegas in Cambodia still open, Aristo in Vietnam still open. though the border in Lao Cai is close, which effect Aristo’s clientele from China.. i have previously had doubt regarding the locations of Donaco’s casino. But it seems tropical climate is the way to go in regards to lessen to transmission rate for respiratory disease, such as covid-19

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