ALA 2.70% 19.0¢ arovella therapeutics limited

Ann: Corporate Presentation, page-10

  1. CBD
    991 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 381
    Well well.....probably the most professional presso we have produced ever and if I saw it I would be excited. BUT .... and there is always a but ... what are we actually doing - are we actually talking to yet to be named co-development people and how many?

    Virtually the only line that told people of OUR bluesky was right at the end with the phrase "near value adding events".

    When you cast your mind back over our actuall achievements then this presso starts to fall apart.

    In short - don't just tell us about what you could do, but more importantly what part of this presso you will do and hopefully before the money runs out.

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