SVG 0.00% 2.0¢ savannah goldfields limited

Hi I feel that we will see a lot more initiatives and good...

  1. 35,149 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 961
    Hi I feel that we will see a lot more initiatives and good stories drilling results and expanding the plant.I think that to talk of further capital raiseings at this stage is just trying to pre empt something that will not be needed. By my rough guestimates we have in excess of 1 Billion dollars value of gold in the ground and all of that is very high grades.That money will pay for any further expansion that I expect to be needed. Yes this 40/1 consolidation will wipe out a lot of small shareholders who will not be able to increase their holdings to a marketable parcel because their will not be many shares available in the small shortfall. After this consolidation the company will have to mopup all these small parcels. Yes and then we will be looking at a very tightley held share registrar and with our very small Market Cap ( under 30 million I think ) compared to gold in the ground and future success we will all be looking at a Takeover at a very rewarding price for those who have been long term holders.. Yes I have been doing some deep work with my Crystal Ball Cheers Towie DYOR
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2 298380 2.0¢

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2.0¢ 12841 1
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