CPH 0.00% 0.9¢ creso pharma limited

Ann: Creso enters the African continent with cannaQIX products, page-30

  1. 7,986 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 460
    Exactly... Could not stress enough that this company has more sell signs than nearly most others on the ASX.. I was in it.. did some follow up research when someone posted what I thought was fictitous information... was blown away by what I "was not able to find" and sold the next day.

    Investors here need to do one thing who have either a buy or hold sentiment. Go back through every price sensitive announcement that relates to a partnership or deal.. look how much revenue has come in from all of those so called price senstive announcements.

    Even better... try to contact some of those companies via phone !!!! May be a bit hard
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Currently unlisted public company.

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