To me this ann shows a few things that aren’t immediately obvious.
1. Creso is delivering another product on time, showing that they are fully capable of managing the many parts of their fast, global strategy
2. They are being more transparent around details, e.g disclosing their plan for a social media marketing campaign with tighter dates, likely due to the backlash of their prior marketing campaigns
3. No silly trading haults or the like
It seems to me, whether you like the actual product or not, Creso are getting a few issues we have had in the past in order. I find it hard to believe that any part of the recent sell off would be due to this ann, investors have known for a long time that these products were in the pipeline, they would have sold out already if they really thought this was a company killer. For those that didn’t sell out, this ann represents nothing but progress.
Personally, I like and am impressed with the branding and outline for planned marketing for these drinks. The concept of non-THC beers will need to try myself to judge, hopefully they will reach Au soon!
A large part of the sell off lately in my opinion is due to risk off sentiment caused by macro events such as trade wars etc., the additional drop on CPH specifically, and why the continuous positive anns aren’t lifting the SP in the short term, I can’t explain. Hopefully as a long term play all if these product launches add up and are reflected in the sp.