SGQ 4.35% 2.2¢ st george mining limited

Ann: Diamond Drilling Underway at Mt Alexander, page-180

  1. 8,497 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 728

    A lengthy rendition indeed. As a Dees man myself (and old enough to remember listening to the '64 win on the radio - GO Neil Crompton eh!!? ) my enthusiasm is being rekindled and have been slurping back at the trough absorbing a few more. My holding is well short of where it was a year or two back but is well off the floor anyway Good to hear that time frame you provided us - thanks for that!

    Hope your ginormous holding makes you a muti-squillionaire ... and the DEES do it again in '22!

    Cheers and let's kick arse!!

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