OMH 0.00% 34.0¢ om holdings limited

Ann: Dividend Policy, page-55

  1. 1,039 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 247
    Hi barra
    for me the unfinished major maintenance is an issue plus prices are somewhere near lows (imo).
    I am hoping the maintenance schedule will be completed ahead of time meaning this years production and sales will be higher than forecast .
    I asked last week if they had sold any silicon metal and when the second furnace would be fired up and have not had a reply so I suspect there are some teething problems but that’s just my opinion.
    cheap power for omh is a constant so when the price curve turns up and they are at full capacity we will see the sp action you crave
    good luck
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Mkt cap ! $260.5M
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1 9506 34.0¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
35.0¢ 941 1
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Last trade - 07.20am 30/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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