DRE 0.00% 1.2¢ dreadnought resources ltd

Site preparations over last week or so with one site showing...

  1. 3,259 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9243
    Site preparations over last week or so with one site showing hints of possible drilling.
    Relatively shallow holes planned so RC drilling should proceed relatively quickly with only minor delays as the rig has to probably move in round about ways to get to some sites.

    Detail of SE area
    Nb site preparations schematic but visible on Sentinel.
    Recent access tracks are also schematic - i.e. eyeballed roughly from sentinel visuals.

    Some sites close to 2023 holes perhaps to twin and confirm as well as get an idea of local variability?
    SE hole uses an undrilled 2023 site.

    SE area

    As with the reality of the REE market Nb is likely to present a tough ask in the supply demand equation.
    Shallow 2+% is likely to trump 1% Nb2O5. Location and infrastructure as well as a myriad of other issues need to be sorted as well.
    Lynas have been carrying some 40 Mt of c1% on there resource table for over 30 years.
    Another issue will be global exploration for Nb along with other critical minerals.

    Don't want to be a killjoy but these are real world issues that explorationists have to face in the tough ask to get a deposit from discovery to mine. Those that can negotiate this can make good profits for themselves and shareholders. DT and crew give it a great shot. GLTAH
    Last edited by salpetie: 22/07/24
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