US Biological Warfare - U.S. Unleashes Flesh-Eatin

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    From the Islaamic website -

    - & they reckon that the West is full of propaganda - LOL!

    US Biological Warfare

    U.S. Unleashes Flesh-Eating Fly In Iraq

    The British newspaper the Independent on August 2, broke the news about the actions of the United States in unleashing a flesh-eating fly into Iraq some eight months ago. The insect was invented and developed at the Department of Agriculture's Stoneville, Mississippi laboratories during the Nixon administration. It is designed to kill livestock as well as humans.
    According to briefing papers compiled by the U.N. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), the fly, known as the screw-worm fly, attacks wounds, scars and cuts, the navels of newborn babies and tic bites of both warm-blooded animals and humans, and causes foul-smelling discharges. According to a FAO mission currently visiting Iraq, it has already spread to 12 of the 18 Iraqi provinces since December and has already reached epidemic proportions. Forty people are already known to have died and the toll on livestock is estimated to be in the tens of thousands.

    A screw-worm female fly lays an average of four batches of 400 eggs on the broken skin and in just 12 hours they enter the body and hatch into flesh-eating larvae. A whole cow can be consumed in less than seven days.

    The Independent quotes George Pumphrey, a researcher into U.S. foreign policy, including the repeated use of biological weapons against its declared enemies, as saying that "Iraq is but the latest victim in what appears to be a deliberate introduction of the screw-worm as a biological weapon. In Libya, where an outbreak occurred in 1989, 2,000 animals were killed. It was exemplarily combatted, yet by the following year it covered 35,000km and killed 12,000 head of stock."

    Ali Baghdadi Au, writing in the Arab Journal points out that this is in violation of all international accords and agreements that govern nations' conduct at times of war and peace. Armies from 28 nations (including the U.S., the U.K. and France), in 42 days of the Gulf War "dropped explosives equivalent to seven and a half Hiroshima nuclear bombs (850,000 tons to be exact) and flew 110,000 bombing sorties," but did not achieve their objective of taking over Iraq. "Nor did the murder of one and a half million Iraqi civilians through starvation and lack of medication," he writes, recalling also that U.S. Secretary of Defence Madeline Albright dismissed such crimes on the NBC program "60 Minutes" by declaring that it was not too high a price to pay. "It is worth it," she said.

    The Arab Journal established that this illegal weapon was developed under the Nixon administration "originally designed to proliferate and consume poppy crops in the "golden Triangle." Developed by a pharmacologist Dr. Jerome Jaffe, the name "screw-worm, was selected after President Nixon remarked that the insect died after intercourse as a self-destructive mechanism controlling its life cycle when its mission is accomplished. Nixon convinced Congress to appropriate funds for the covert project "only after he was able to disguise the fly as an innocent- sounding ecological weed-killer."

    "Iraq, which is under the strictest and cruellest economic sanctions in history," the Arab Journal writes, "does not have the means to eradicate the screw-worm. The task involves breeding flies and sterilizing the males with radioactive cobalt that Baghdad is not allowed to have. Unless the world reacts and acts to stop this 'holocaust' now, four million more Iraqis, mostly women, children and the elderly, may soon perish."

    Plenty more 'believable' stories on this site - All in the name of Allah of course.


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