SGQ 4.35% 2.2¢ st george mining limited

Ann: Drilling Intersects Prospective Lithology at Paterson, page-31

  1. 8,497 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 728
    My holding in SGQ is relatively small compared to what it has been. My gut feeling is the "negative sentiment" around this stock is now almost fully exhausted. What more can be said?!

    Ipso facto, any announcement which is materially beneficial could/will see much enthusiasm return here. It was only a year or so ago this stock was one touted as having massive prospects, with what had been discovered and what exploration potential lay ahead. I don't wish to re-open the whole discussion again on what has happened since - god knows this has been done to death umpteen times, but history cannot be changed and I suspect there are still many who believe fundamentally in this company's prospects (even though they are tired and perhaps cheesed-off currently) ...  

    It might be from the cost saving/income benefitting glycine leaching treatment @redbackrules  so eloquently described below to extract the pge's value from the shallow deposits, or something else, or it still might come from a decent massive sulphides intersection almost everybody (now, it appears) has presumed will never happen. One thing I am confident of and that is there will be enough loot out there people will contribute to exploration, for this company. If you're going to punt on an explorer, this surely is still one of the best prospects, no??? If St.George can pull out a self-funding card somehow, or have ONE SOLID PIECE of genuine good news, we're almost home and hosed to have a future, at least.

    .... By way of example, ESR still has an MC 30% higher than SGQ's ... Does that make any sense at all??? I ask you. .... And good old CHN is up there at $2.5Bn MC Phew. ... We should be somewhere in-between these two IMO!

    Avagoodweegend All!

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Mkt cap ! $27.24M
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2.3¢ 2.3¢ 2.2¢ $16.59K 731.4K

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4 3538178 2.2¢

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2.3¢ 1649928 6
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Last trade - 16.10pm 13/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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