DSE 0.17% $5.73 dropsuite limited

Looking OK to me. Topped up .. "Dropsuite Partners With...

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    Looking OK to me. Topped up ..
    "Dropsuite Partners With LeaderTelecom On 1st March Excalibur Mining (EXM) announced that it had executed binding share sale agreements with Dropsuite via Greenbase Corporation Pty Ltd. The board of EXM are pleased to announce that Dropsuite, a provider of cloud-based backup solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s), has partnered with Netherlands based LeaderTelecom, a premium telecom service provider and European market leader in online security. By integrating Dropsuite’s range of cloud-based backup solutions, LeaderTelecom is able to expand its service offerings to better protect its clients’ most important asset: their data. It welcomes Dropsuite to its list of best-in-class global partners including Comodo, Entrust, and Symantec. Highlights: • Singapore based Dropsuite operates a global cloud back up platform targeting small and medium enterprises (“SME’s”) through the world’s leading webhosting companies and IT resellers • European based LeaderTelecom is the European market leader in online security • Global partners include Comodo, Entrust and Symantec; and • LeaderTelecom has clients in 80 countries and is a member of HSD (Hague Security Delta), the largest security cluster in Europe and second-largest in the world
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Mkt cap ! $403.2M
Open High Low Value Volume
$5.73 $5.77 $5.72 $1.519M 264.9K

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1 274 $5.75

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Price($) Vol. No.
$5.61 41 1
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Last trade - 15.59pm 05/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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