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Ann: Early Works Program Completed, page-16

  1. 1,030 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 252
    Great find gomer08. Video is well done. The bit at the end where Kevin states they will be purchasing a third TOMRA X-ray sorter "this year" is good news. I wonder if the plan will be to add a 4th and 5th next year at the same time adding crusher capacity. The mine looks like it is very modular and it could constantly address whatever the current throughput bottle neck is just by adding an extra sorter/crusher/conveyer/gravity plant etc as profits allow. I imagine at some point this modular addition to the processing is going to become unwieldy and it may be better to spend $$$$ and add a complete solution for magnitudes increase in throughput. But I expect we are many many years from that.

    A third sorter announced now is pretty bullish. For those that attended the Sydney Mining Conference the other day was there mention of purchasing the third sorter?
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