LOM 5.26% 1.8¢ lucapa diamond company limited

Ann: Entitlements Issue Prospectus, page-23

  1. 5,416 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 109
    "The recording date for the loyalty options is 18th July, so post that date you can sell and still get the options"

    Sorry tell. No offence meant. My comment was tongue in cheek. You are absolutely correct except for the "Bit iffy ..." comment. The ex date is clearly stated in the ann's.

    Buy on 16/7. No Loyalty options.
    Sell on 16/7. You still get the Loyalties even though you sell the shares.

    Good Luck. Tomoz ann's looks like it may be just what the SP needs and wants.... or maybe that is what I want .... but hey, do the two need to be mutually exclusive?

    BTW not selling any yet ..... long way to run.
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1.8¢ 1.9¢ 1.8¢ $21.15K 1.124M

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4 1089064 1.8¢

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1.9¢ 645042 2
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