EOS 0.00% $1.17 electro optic systems holdings limited

Ann: EOS Diversifies Revenue Base with New Contracts ($24m), page-12

  1. 2,473 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 346
    I guess the difference is that this time the Australian Government has Space Domain and awareness as clear funding priorities. All governments now seem to have Space control as s key priority. What use is a nuclear sub if you cant communicate with it. Or it doesnt know where the enemy is. Or if a F35 with all its fancy sensors cant share battlefield information with friendly forces. Australia obviously being in the southern hemisphere gives it unique advantages in this area in terms of surveillance. Space ties it all together. And its in areas like this that ANZUS should be invoked and create sales for Australian providers like EOS. EOS did always say that they unqiue tracking technology and the have solved the atmopsheric distortion laser problem- lets see this turned into sales but the Andreas was clear it would be a medium term revenue proposition.

    Last edited by doctornoh: 24/04/24
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Mkt cap ! $225.7M
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$1.17 $1.20 $1.16 $307.5K 261.7K

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1 4352 $1.17

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$1.20 15005 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 27/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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