Most of these types of holders will faze out eventually if not already they were only in for a quick dollar in reality, money doesnt come that easy too. Its a shame they cant see the silver lining here with lakes but alas this type of behaviour is more prevalent then ever especially since the suspension so adding the drama by goverments and asx relist requirments this has put alot of investors off. So if you reading this, right now is where the opportunities are. Picking up parcels at .0015 or if your at the top of the line at .001 well done your patience will pay off in spades. The company is stronger then ever they had to be to relist. The focus IMO is nangwarry first then wombat and marketing the company, however wouldnt be surprised if both sites got delt with at fairly similar tineframes and its then based on the wombat find we already know nangwarry is commercial that these elusive straight line skyward will appear. but all takes time and patience which since COVID ive noticed many have lost.