deja vu

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    We’re in a race against time against September 11, when Cheney and Co. intend to pull off a repeat “9/11.” Cheney’s ability to get his Iran war depends on it, Lyn said at the conclusion of an NEC discussion last night. Cheney -- the Spoon-bender-in-chief -- has people inside the U.S. who will try to carry out a simulated 9/11 terrorist attack.

    So the message we have to get out, is this: If something happens on or around September 11, Cheney did it.

    Reviewing the situation around Iran and Iraq, for example, Lyn said that what we see being carried out there, is a U.S.-British scheme to create a band of failed states, running from Iraq through Afghanistan. The break-up of Iraq, as we see being played out in the farce around the so-called Iraqi constitution, is underway. The policy is to create a zone of ungovernability in Southwest and Central Asia, with one of the instruments for this, being the pseudo-gangs that we see now operating and targeting civilians in Iraq. The long-term objective of creating and spreading this instability, is to make a case for world government.

    The assassination threat issued by “Diamond Pat” Robertson against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, typifies the Cheney/Spoonbender threat to Central and South America. Their intention, as we see in the Moonie operations aimed at Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay, is to destroy those countries.

    Robertson is a dangerous lunatic, Lyn said, and Bush should denounce Robertson as a national security threat of the first order, for calling for the assassination of a head of state. Robertson is linked to fundie spoon-bender killers like Gen. Jerry Boykin. What we see with Robertson’s lunatic threat, is that these Cheneyacs are on the verge of cracking up. They’re losing control, and are confined to a smaller and smaller circle within the Republican Party, as more and more Republicans go into revolt against the lunatic fringe around Cheney.

    These fundie networks are a creation of George H.W. Bush. Remember the shake-up in the 1980s: those televangelists who wouldn’t go along with the Bush crowd, and those who turned down the money, got targetted, and in some cases, sent to jail. Those who went along with Bush -- like Robertson and Jerry Falwell -- got promoted. They “got religion” -- what kind of religion? A religion for people who hate God and love money.

    We are going to do a job on this gang, “the Moonies and the Spoonies,” comparable to what we have done on the Spoon-benders. The Moonies, Pat Robertson, the Spoon-benders, and the neo-cons: it’s all one thing. You see this in the case of the retired Generals Paul Vallely and Thomas McInerney, both founders of the Iran Policy Committee, and both clients of Benador Associates -- as is described in Jeff’s article.

    Everything that’s important for us to go after right now, is connected to Cheney and this crowd. All of our enemies are tied to this network. They are coming at us -- as we have seen in Germany around the intended smear of Helga and the Bueso campaign. We respond by going after them, not by lowering our profile, but by raising it.

    This unity of focus around the Cheney crowd, is the same as our policy on {EIR}: our objective is the singleness of effect, to have one central, strategic focus in an issue. We’re fighting a war, and we don’t want to get into side fights that aren’t global and strategic.

    Today, we will be amplifying the effect of the Spoon-bender EIR on Capital Hill, with the youth deployment. In tandem with this, should come a huge expansion of the circulation of the “Mass-Insanity” pamphlet, which we are now printing 250,000 more of, bringing the numbers to 750,000. This will be followed shortly thereafter with the new pamphlet, which should accompany it, not replace it: “Soldiers of Satan.” We are taking the lead in mobilizing to stop Cheney from carrying out the destruction of the U.S., and civilization itself. There is no other force that will do it, but Lyn and us.

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