FBR 5.00% 4.2¢ fbr ltd

Ann: FBR & BKW extend Shareholders Agreement negotiation period, page-203

  1. 2,178 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 451
    Gents, i have been thinking alot about this JV.

    FBR have more to lose from this JV than BKW. (in my opinion). I think that IF this JV doesnt go ahead, its because FBR are playing hard ball. I believe that BKW needs FBR for increased revenue.

    Feel free to cooy, paste and edit my list below to paint a clearer picture.

    - Initial investment from BKW and sole brick supplier

    - Restricted to the use of just BKW bricks
    - Lessened profits fron WaaS due to profit share with BKW

    - Hadrians restricted to BKW bricks for any work in Aus.
    - Increased revenue fron WaaS
    - Increased exposure to BKW once Hadrian blows up the media

    - Initial investment cost for further Hadrian development is probably the only negative.
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Mkt cap ! $212.5M
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4.0¢ 4.3¢ 4.0¢ $218.0K 5.321M

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7 2453868 4.1¢

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4.2¢ 421735 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 28/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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