MSB 0.82% $3.08 mesoblast limited

hmmm...Forgive my possible mis-understanding here, but...

  1. 4,253 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5580

    Forgive my possible mis-understanding here, but Rexlemestrocel is a completely different product? MPC verses an MSC.
    They differentiate with differing loss of quality attributes among other things ( Can survive significantly more passages until not meeting release spec )

    The cells themselves are selected on different criterea.
    I simply made no assumption at all that a Remestemcel-L potency assays would be useful in any way for Rexlemestrocel.

    " MSCs presumably represent culture-expanded in vitro progeny of the undifferentiated MPCs present in vivo. The different functional characteristics of each cell type enable distinct product development for different targeted diseases."
    Last edited by dachopper: 08/03/23
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