MSB 3.59% $3.17 mesoblast limited

Ann: FDA Accepts Mesoblast's BLA Resubmission for Remestemcel-L, page-263

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    And also

    "Additional types of MLCs, including dental pulp stem cells and periodontal stem cells, which hold promise in regenerative applications for neurological networks and in dental applications.
    Cell surface modification of MLCs using ex vivo fucosylation to improve homing characteristics to sites of inflammation.Cell payloading technology, which allows us to load our MLCs and other cell types with molecules or nucleotides that can either enhance the natural function of our cells (e.g. increase persistence or homing and engraftment) or be delivered directly to sites of inflammation and tissue damage by our MLCs.
    Protein technologies, which are focused primarily on proteins naturally produced by our MLCs, that can be developed independently or in combination with our MLCs. For example, we are developing a product candidate based on a molecule known as stromal cell derived factor 1, or SDF-1, that has shown various tissue regeneration capabilities in preclinical studies.
    We have a proprietary variant of SDF-1 that has been engineered to be resistant to enzymatic cleavage and that has a longer half-life in vivo compared to the native molecule."
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