LIC 0.00% $1.10 livestock improvement corporation ltd (ns) ordinary shares

Ann: FLLYR: LIC: Livestock Improvement announces

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    • Release Date: 25/07/13 13:54
    • Summary: FLLYR: LIC: Livestock Improvement announces year end result
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    25/07/2013 11:54
    REL: 1154 HRS Livestock Improvement Corporation Limited (NS)
    FLLYR: LIC: Livestock Improvement announces year end result
    Strong year for farmer cooperative with growth in demand for on-farm
    productivity services
    Dairy farmer cooperative, LIC, turned in another strong performance during
    the 2012/13 year, with increased farmer uptake of a range of products and
    services driven by a growing farmer focus on cow health and herd reproductive
    LIC Chairman, Murray King, said "last year's drought provided farmers with a
    unique set of problems to overcome with many needing to shorten the dairy
    season and dry herds off early. This resulted in a decrease in the number of
    herd tests carried out by LIC during autumn 2013.
    "However, against the backdrop of the drought we still experienced strong
    farmer demand for our services, especially artificial breeding.  LIC
    maintained the price freeze that we first applied to our Premier Sires
    genetics in the 2009/2010 season.
    "Our GeneMark DNA parentage testing and animal health testing services also
    delivered record activity levels."
    Farmers responded very positively to LIC initiatives to help them improve
    their herd's reproductive performance.
    "Farmers are recognising the potential to improve their farm's profitability
    through a better in-calf rate.  A significant number signed up for the '6
    week challenge' with the goal of getting closer to the national and industry
    target, and improving the farm's prosperity.
    "This focus on improving the reproductive performance of the herd saw
    increased demand for software programmes like MINDA Weights and MINDA Land &
    Feed which help farmers monitor many of the factors which contribute to herd
    fertility, like body condition score."
    The 2012/2013 year was not without its international challenges for LIC with
    some offshore genetics markets experiencing softer demand.
    "Difficult weather conditions in the UK and Ireland had an impact on feed
    crops and farmer cash-flows ultimately affecting sales in those markets for
    the year.  The USA also experienced weaker demand during the year," Murray
    King said.
    LIC's herd recording programme, MINDA, is used by the majority of New Zealand
    dairy farmers and the software was modified during the year to help farmers
    comply with the newly introduced NAIT animal traceability requirements.  The
    changes resulted in a large proportion of LIC customers using MINDA as their
    NAIT data provider.
    LIC's commitment to research and development was reflected in $12.8m of R & D
    expenditure during the year representing 6.6% of revenue.
    "Our focus on genomics and DNA research has enabled the remarkable
    achievement of 500 dairy sires having their entire DNA sequence mapped by LIC
    scientists during the year. This DNA information is expected to make a
    significant impact to LIC's genomics program by helping to identify those
    parts of the bovine animal genome that have more impact on key animal
    traits," Murray King said.
    "The benefit which will accrue to the industry from our genetics research
    programme was demonstrated during the year with the discovery and isolation
    (in record time) of the gene responsible for Small Calf Syndrome - a
    recessive genetic variation thought to have existed in the New Zealand dairy
    herd for decades."
    In 2012/2013 LIC was awarded a Government research grant through Callaghan
    Innovation of $6.5 million to further support its research work over the next
    three years.
    LIC launched its first smartphone data recording application at the National
    Fieldays in June this year. The app, which simplifies and improves the
    process of recording calving details, has received great customer reviews and
    customer uptake levels have exceeded estimates.
    Murray King said good progress is being made on the formal agreement with
    DairyNZ for the transfer of the New Zealand Dairy Core Database from LIC to
    DairyNZ.  "Teams from both organisations are working well to ensure a smooth
    transfer while protecting the interest of New Zealand dairy farmers," he
    LIC revenue and other income for 2012/2013 was $199 million, 12% ahead of the
    $177 million achieved during 2011/2012.
    All profit is returned to LIC's 10,500 New Zealand dairy farmer
    owners/shareholders as products, research and development or dividends.
    LIC net profit after tax was $23.7 million, down $0.7 million from the
    previous year. Net profit after tax for LIC includes the annual revaluation
    to fair value of the biological elite bull team which, this year, was an
    increase net of tax of $2.7 million compared to an increase of $9.4 million
    last year.
    The fluctuations on fair value of the elite bull team are excluded for the
    purposes of dividend for LIC and are not considered as a key indicator of
    trading performance. For this reason LIC also reports Underlying Net
    Underlying Net Earnings
    LIC Underlying Net Earnings (NPAT excluding the increase or decrease on fair
    value of elite biological assets and the related tax effect) increased from
    $14.99 million to $20.93 million this year, which flows through to a record
    dividend to farmer shareholders of $16.75 million compared to $11.99 million
    last year.
    EBIT excluding fair value adjustment to elite biological assets
    Improved sales volumes across most business areas resulted in earnings,
    before interest, taxation and fair value adjustments on elite biological
    assets, increasing by 42% to $27.29 million, compared to $19.25 million in
    2011/2012. Excluding the one-off goodwill payment in 2011/2012 of $4.7
    million paid to early adopters of genomic technology, this EBIT (excluding
    change in fair value of elite biological asset) result was still an
    impressive increase of 14% over the prior year.
    Strength of balance sheet
    LIC continues to operate a strong balance sheet with total assets including
    cash, software, land and buildings and bull teams of $275.5 million, an
    increase of $15 million over the previous year with a stable equity ratio of
    Cash flow
    Cash flows from operations were strong for the 2012/2013 year generating
    $25.8 million, compared to $27.7 million in 2011/2012. Purchases of both
    tangible and intangible assets increased from $18.35 million to $23.97
    million as the Cooperative ramped up its investment in innovative products
    for farmers and technology upgrades.
    LIC will pay a record dividend of $16.75 million, representing 80% of
    underlying earnings, to its Cooperative and Investment Shareholders.   This
    contrasts with the dividend paid in 2012 of $11.99 million, and $13.6 million
    in 2011.
    The 2012/2013 dividend translates to 8.4 cents per Cooperative Control Share
    and 54.91 cents per Investment Share and represents a gross yield of 13.2% on
    Investment Shares compared to 11.1% last year. The fully imputed dividend
    payments will be made to shareholders on 23 August 2013.
    Enquiries for further information should be directed to Clare Bayly, LIC
    Communications Manager, phone 027 499 8862 or [email protected]
    Annual Report
    In accordance with the Companies Act, companies are no longer required to
    automatically mail printed copies of the Annual Report to shareholders. The
    LIC Annual Report and financial statements for 2012/2013 are now available on
    its website
    End CA:00238965 For:LIC    Type:FLLYR      Time:2013-07-25 11:54:40
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