CHZ 0.00% 10.5¢ chesser resources limited

Ann: Fortuna Silver to acquire Chesser Resources, page-32

  1. 1,409 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 938
    I've spent most of the day looking at Fortuna. I'm not sure I want exposure long term to precious metals through it. Some of its mines are running at comparatively high cost with declining grades & have a short reserve life. Further, there have been staff blockages recently at the Mexican mine re an employee dispute regarding profit sharing. Nonetheless, it's offered a substantial premium for Chesser & I'm not leaving the sizeable difference from where CHZ is trading to the offer for someone else. Keenly awaiting the cost details for the selling facility for those that would have a holding of less than 18,000 Fortuna shares post takeover.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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