HGO 5.00% 4.2¢ hillgrove resources limited

HiI think they will continue drill and increase resource as you...

  1. 520 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 85
    I think they will continue drill and increase resource as you have said.
    I also agree that it looks likely that the loan is coming from Freepoint Metals.
    Copper is just under $ US3.40 lb. If you worked on $ US4.50 lb, that would be approximately $AU 3,500 extra cash flow p/t. Multiply that by 85,000 tonnes, Close to $300 million.
    You can see why they are holding back on mining, as the numbers are huge. They are in no rush. Wait a bit longer, and reap the rewards.
    The demand for copper will increase, so will the price.

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