VSR 0.00% 1.3¢ voltaic strategic resources ltd

Ann: Further assays confirm significant Rare Earths system at Neo, page-15

  1. 12,316 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 727
    Hi CJTJ well anything can be said, but results speak, and average TREO results around 500ppm is not going to cut it at all imho.
    in my opinion the high grade results are so thin in amongst the low grade thickness, so they average 491ppm to peak 1000ppm.

    in my opinion we shall see, if there is a heavy drop, it will need to be explained better, , because, yes they said thick pegamitites on the initial announcement, but no mention of spodumene?
    And now we see grades around 500ppm average, so the thickness, in my thinking this may explain no spodumene mentioned,which I was aluding to, so they probably should have explained that better when they initially said thick pegmatites, because yes they are thick but averaging 500pom to 600ppm , well as I said what would I know like the rest of you all that were talking this to the moon, I feel we may see the opposite today but who knows?
    just my thoughts on the average grades released today?
    anyway enough of my thoughts good luck holders and team
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