AKA 5.56% 17.0¢ aureka limited

Ann: Further high grade results from Victorian Gold Projects, page-5

  1. 1,115 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6454
    Actually they are good results that will add ounces at Stawell and support the maiden JORC at St. Arnaud.

    The JORC at Stawell is lower grade than I expect and I would be very interested in what it looks like with a 1g/t cut-off or slightly higher for underground resources. This is primed for an increase to their 1millon ounce target within 12 months. They have not included any resources from several other basalt domes where there was considerable alluvial gold production leading from these domes.

    I suggest shareholders do their own research and follow that. You should never invest based upon what you read on HC, nor should you sell based upon comments posted on HC.
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