ASN 4.69% 6.1¢ anson resources limited

Ann: Further Increases in Lithium Grades at Paradox Project, page-33

  1. 3,996 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 876
    as long as it’s not a cheap takeover
    $2 minimum for me now - it $5 when we are producing
    $10 when producing at 25mtpa

    also Raki - u posted a question to me regarding my quote about Tetra having their own reserves. I was incorrect in that post and have had a chance to do further research. I stand corrected ( thank you) .To my knowledge Tetra do not have any reserves - they do have some promising acreage, but have not done or nor appear at this stage to not want to become vertically integrated, thus focusing more on their research and development and relying on third parties to supply
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