TLS 0.00% $3.95 telstra group limited

lol same here tanon but my holding was ridiculous, and still now...

  1. 9,780 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 465
    lol same here tanon but my holding was ridiculous, and still now when i look at my portfolio commsec charts my holdings are still ridiculous if you listen to the analysts.
    got to say it again 27% increase in NAS great stuff.
    ps off market buy back not on market seems they are not concerned about franking credits or maybe i misunderstand but who cares.
    ps really iv'e stopped listening to most analysts as they simply miss any change in a companies business model whether tls or some other companies i follow.There a bunch of sheep baaaaa a few.
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Mkt cap ! $45.63B
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1 1397 $4.74

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Price($) Vol. No.
$3.63 89675 16
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Last trade - 10.04am 28/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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