CCM 0.00% 5.4¢ cadoux limited

Ann: FYI Secures A$80M Funding, Delivers DFS & Upgrades Reserves, page-85

  1. 1,983 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1605

    Firstly the names are uncanny!

    All the best to ATC also and my comments are genuinely trying to understand why some would favour ATC over FYI. but I can understand when someone jumps on your thread it can be seen as trying to stir the pot or promote your own holding.

    Again, when you compare Capex but especially production costs FYI is easily superior, that is face based on both DFS's.

    Also your comment re tax incentives in Malaysia doesn't stand up. All good and well if you produce and distribute in Malaysia... but you aren't, are you? Have you factored in the import / export tax implications? Because you will be exporting to your only offtaker Mitsubishi, won't you? Have you determined the taxes upon this? Might be worth investigating.

    We aren't 3-4 years behind ATC. We will be fully funded in 6 months and all going well producing HPA in a little over 2 years.

    Again these are genuine questions because if you can give me a case for ATC and answer my questions above with a compelling explanation then I'd sell my FYI shares and buy ATC.

    Because I'm a big believer in HPA and want to be an owner of the best emerging HPA player there is.
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