AZM 0.00% 3.2¢ azumah resources limited

Ann: Game Changer 44m at 5.37g/t at Kunche, page-61

  1. 2,314 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 108
    I loaded up at 0.70 and rode it all the way down and then took my whack. If it were possible for this thing to recover to previous heights I could only be happy for all those who remain long term holders. The problem is that we all have a biased view of a stock depending on whether we hold or whether we don't. If I was still holding I would now be entertaining thoughts of AZM going back up to 0.70 cents. As if...... The fact is I no longer hold and I don't consider that such scenario will happen or can happen. Again a biased view from a non holder this time. I've seen many good announcements cause the share price to temporarily shoot up for a day or two but never in a way that has ever been sustainable. The more reliable view/bet can only be one with no emotional attachment. Do I as one who has relinquished his position now no longer have emotional attachment ? I'm not so sure as on the basis of this latest announcement, I can say that I'm happy for Stephen Stone.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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