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Ann: GENERAL: CRP: Chatham Rock Phosphate: maiden

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    • Release Date: 07/04/14 13:09
    • Summary: GENERAL: CRP: Chatham Rock Phosphate: maiden JORC Resource defined
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    07/04/2014 11:09
    REL: 1109 HRS Chatham Rock Phosphate Limited
    GENERAL: CRP: Chatham Rock Phosphate: maiden JORC Resource defined
    7 April  2014
    Chatham Rock Phosphate: maiden JORC Resource defined
    o Inferred Resources of 80 million m3 of phosphorite at an average grade of
    290 kg/m3 for a contained 23.4 Mt of phosphorite
    o Average thickness of the Mineral Resource is 0.2 m directly at the surface
    of the sea floor
    o Additional exploration potential is in the order of 40,000,000 m3 with 8 to
    12 Mt of contained phosphorite at grades between 200 and 300 kg/m3
    o The Mineral Resources are similar to earlier historical estimates
    undertaken on the Chatham Rise
    Chatham Rock Phosphate ("CRP") commissioned RSC Consulting Ltd ("RSC") to
    undertake an independent Mineral Resource estimation study on its Chatham
    Rise Phosphorite Project ("Project") and prepare a report ("the Report") to
    comply with the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results,
    Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, 2012 Edition ("JORC 2012").
    RSC Report study summary
    The Project covers an area of seabed phosphorite nodules situated about 450
    km offshore of the east coast of New Zealand at approximately 350 to 450 m
    water depth (Figure 1).
    CRP holds 100% of Mining Permit 55549 granted in December 2013, and the
    Continental Shelf licence MPL 50270 granted in February 2010.The first term
    of MPL 50270 was due to expire on 25 February 2014 and CRP submitted a
    renewal application for a further four years in December 2013. Two
    prospecting permit applications have been made for separate areas east and
    west of the prospecting licence.
    Royal Boskalis Westminster NV ("Boskalis"), is a technical partner in the
    Project and holds a 17.6% shareholding of CRP.
    The Chatham Rise phosphorite deposit occurs as a thin layer of
    phosphate-bearing glauconitic sand with thicknesses typically ranging from 0
    to 1 m below the sea floor. The sand layer consists of mainly silt and
    sand-sized sediments, with phosphatised chalk nodules up to 15 cm in diameter
    (Figure 2).
    Phosphorite nodules were first discovered on the Chatham Rise in the 1950s by
    a New Zealand Government survey. During the 1960s to 1980s several private
    and government sponsored cruises explored the Chatham Rise and surrounding
    seafloor area. The most extensive surveys were conducted by an agreement
    between the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research and
    the West German Government on cruises by the German research vessels R.V.
    Valdivia in 1978 and R.V. Sonne in 1981.
    Figure 1: Chatham Rise Phosphorite Project Location.
    The 1978 R.V. Valdivia cruise was the first intensive sampling and research
    campaign conducted over the Chatham Rise and 655 samples from 689 attempts
    were collected over a 300 km2 area in the west of the Project area. The
    majority of the samples were collected using a large Van Veen-style grab of
    0.12 m3 volume, weighing approximately 400 kg.
    The 1981 R.V. Sonne cruise was the most comprehensive exploration effort to
    assess the Chatham Rise phosphorite deposit. In addition to oceanographic,
    meteorological and geophysical data, the cruise collected 19 hours of video
    recordings of the sea floor as well as 519 sediment samples taken by a
    pneumatic grab-sampler. The seafloor sediment samples collected on this
    cruise are the most representative sample data collected on the Chatham Rise
    and are considered to be of a high enough quality to include in a resource
    Since acquiring the licence in 2010, CRP has conducted six cruises in two
    programmes in the Project area. The key tasks of the cruises were to validate
    the previous work conducted on the Chatham Rise and collect further
    geological, geotechnical, geophysical and environmental data. For phosphorite
    grade estimation purposes the M.V. Tranquil Image cruise collected 55 samples
    using a Van Veen grab. The R.V. Dorado Discovery conducted four cruises out
    to the project area and collected 206 box core and grab samples.
    Figure 2: Schematic cross-section of phosphorite-bearing sand zone (adapted
    from CRP, 2012).
    Chatham Rise Phosphorite Project Mineral Resource
    A total of 80 million m3 at an average grade of 290 kg/m3 is classified as an
    Inferred Mineral Resource at a cut-off grade of 100 kg/m3 for a total
    contained 23.4 Mt of phosphorite (Table 1). The average thickness of the
    resource is 0.20 m. There are no Resources classified in Indicated or
    Measured categories. Details about the informing samples, sample methodology,
    exploration and resource estimation process is shown in Appendix I.
    Table 1 Statement of Mineral Resources (phosphorite) for Mining Permit 55549,
    Chatham Rise. Estimates are rounded to reflect the level of confidence in
    these resources at the present time.
    See attached
    1. The Mineral Resource is reported in accordance with the JORC Code, 2012
    2. The Mineral Resource is contained within MP 55549
    3. All resources have been rounded to the nearest 0.1 million tonnes
    4. Ph kg/m3 is the weight of phosphorite  per cubic metre
    5. Contained Ph Mt is contained weight of phosphorite  per million tonnes
    6. Mineral Resource is reported at 100 kg/m3 cut-off grade
    "RSC's analysis to date indicates that a potentially economically extractable
    phosphorite Mineral Resource exists in the Project area. Several high-profile
    sampling cruises, most independent from each other, have all identified
    grades of economic interest within the same area. These cruises have been
    well documented and specific knowledge on sampling systems has been retained
    and included in this Report."
    Exploration Potential
    Exploration potential also exists within both MP 55549 and MPL 50270 (Figure
    4, Table 2). Based on existing sampling data that did not make it into the
    resource because of lower sample density or lower sample quality ranking
    numbers, the exploration target within CRP's tenements is interpreted from
    the existing sample information and area of sampling to be around 40,000,000
    m3 with between 8 and 12 Mt of contained phosphorite at phosphorite grades
    between 200 and 300 kg/m3.
    Figure 4 Exploration Potential
    See attached.
    RSC recommends further seafloor sampling to be undertaken to both further
    increase the confidence in the established Mineral Resource and extend the
    boundaries of the resource, predominantly towards the west where currently
    lower-quality Valdivia data indicate an exploration target of at least 5 Mt
    RSC recommends that additional sampling will increase confidence in the grade
    and geology of the phosphorite deposit and may lead to an upgrade of the
    existing Inferred Resource to Indicated Resources.
    Commentary - Chris Castle, Managing Director
    CRP Managing Director Chris Castle said the RSC Report significantly upgrades
    the status of the Mineral Resource, and also identifies a further 8 - 12
    million tonnes exploration potential.  "This is currently excluded from the
    23.4 million tonnes but is within the mining permit area and with further
    sampling could be incorporated." There is also additional exploration
    potential in the areas under application to the east (PPA 55967) and to the
    west (PPA 55971) of the existing permit areas.
     Mr Castle said the JORC 2012 compliant Mineral Resource estimation was
    achieved through:
    o extensive validation by RSC of the available historical sample data;
    o the availability of more recent data gathered by CRP; and
    o the collaboration with scientists who worked on the project more than 30
    years ago to corroborate the historical data and sampling procedures.
    "Our confidence that the exploration target extends into the neighbouring
    ground under application is based on geological modelling carried out by
    Kenex Knowledge Systems Ltd, our geological consultants, during the last
    year. This potential, which will be tested and evaluated upon the grant of
    the prospecting permit expected later this year, could add significantly to
    the known phosphorite resource."
    Contact Chris Castle on +64 21 55 81 85 or [email protected]
    End CA:00249198 For:CRP    Type:GENERAL    Time:2014-04-07 11:09:07
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