CVT 1.77% $1.15 comvita limited ordinary shares

Ann: GENERAL: CVT: Comvita Annualised Sales Surpa

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    • Release Date: 26/07/12 18:07
    • Summary: GENERAL: CVT: Comvita Annualised Sales Surpass $100 million
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    26/07/2012 16:07
    REL: 1607 HRS Comvita Limited
    GENERAL: CVT: Comvita Annualised Sales Surpass $100 million
    Financial Summary: for year ended 31 March 2012
    Sales $95.9m (increase of 17%)
    EBITDA* $15.5m (increase of 145%)
    NPAT** $8.2m
    ROCE*** 14.4%
    Net Debt / EBITDA 0.9
    Earnings per share 29.10 cents
    Total Dividends per share 14 cents
    Financial Summary: for year ended 31 March 2011
    Sales $82.0m
    EBITDA* $6.3m
    NPAT** $0.5m
    ROCE*** 4.3%
    Net Debt / EBITDA 3.0
    Earnings per share 1.82 cents
    Total Dividends per share 3 cents
    *EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation
    **NPAT: Net Profit After Tax
    ***ROCE: Return on Capital Employed
    Global natural health and beauty products company Comvita announced
    annualised sales had surpassed $100 million for the first time in the
    company's history, reflecting the growing stature of the brand in
    international markets.
    At its annual general meeting in Paengaroa, Comvita chairman Neil Craig said
    annualised sales for the 12 months to 30 June 2012 had reached $102 million.
    "Comvita is known for quality and product integrity in health and beauty
    products. Consumers reward us with a premium against other brands that lack
    the testing, quality standards and product and brand innovations that are the
    foundations of our success."
    Mr Craig made the comments as he reported to shareholders on the results for
    the year to 31 March 2012, when net profit after tax (NPAT) rose to $8.2
    million on sales which grew 17% to $96 million.
    Mr Craig told shareholders: "The results for the 2012 financial year
    demonstrate Comvita's business model is delivering. The business is seeing
    significant operating leverage from the infrastructure put in place over the
    last six years."
    "We have control of channels to market from raw material supply through to
    the consumer and our ongoing product innovation is based on in-house research
    and development, rather than a whole range of 'me too' commodity type
    Other Achievements during year ending March 2012
    o Successful defense of unwelcome takeover bid
    o Globally, Medihoney sales growing by approximately 38% p.a
    o Normalised, Net Earnings (NPAT) grew by 136%
    Supply Chain
    o New, state-of-the-art medical honey extraction facility
    o 50% increase in the number of beehives
    o Acquisition of Waikato-based apiary business
    o Increased olive leaf production capacity
    o Hong Kong: 20% growth in same-store sale, 54 outlets
    o China: 120% increase in sales, over 400 outlets
    o South Korea: fastest growing market, now with eight outlets
    Australia and New Zealand
    o Improved efficiency of distribution channels in Australia by transferring
    to a direct selling model
    o Production capacity at Paengaroa factory increased significantly
    Science and Research
    o Establishment of Comvita Innovation, responsible for conducting research
    o A total of 41 patents pending, relating to 11 different, unique innovations
    in Woundcare applications.
    Mr Craig said the rewards to shareholders from continued enhancement of this
    business model will be increased EBIT margins, increased earnings per share
    after tax and increased dividend flow from earnings increases. A consequence
    of this will be a higher share price, says Mr Craig.
    "While Comvita's share price had recovered significantly in the last 12
    months - at a historical price-to-earnings multiple of just 11 times - it was
    still cheap relative to the New Zealand market of around 15 times. At today's
    share price we have a gross dividend yield of 6%. This is also significant
    when considering Comvita's rapid earnings growth phase that is now underway."
    With Comvita continuing to grow rapidly, Mr Craig said the challenges will be
    in the areas of remaining globally competitive in the face of a perennially
    strong NZ dollar, securing raw material supply as sales increase and
    maintaining a strong innovation focus.
    In order to meet those challenges, Comvita CEO Brett Hewlett said Comvita
    will continue to spend on control and management systems, enhance our
    internet selling capability and make acquisitions in honey supply and other
    raw materials.
    "We will also continue to research new product opportunities that fit with
    the Comvita brand, which may need to be acquired as opposed to being
    developed in-house."
    From a balance sheet point of view, said Mr Hewlett, we are in a strong
    position and have significant financial capability to make acquisitions.
    "Any such acquisitions would need to be demonstrably earnings-per-share
    Mr Hewlett said Comvita's local presence in-market, reputation for quality
    and success in expanding our product range is ensuring strong brand awareness
    and loyalty.
    "We have demonstrated we can sustain this level of growth and that we can
    continue to achieve operating leverage gains provided by the scale and scope
    of our local and global operations. These all point to a continuing
    improvement in net earnings and growth in shareholder value".
    The Board of Directors thank shareholders for their support in a year when
    Comvita faced a generally tough market and the unwelcome distraction of the
    Cerebos takeover offer.
    For further information:
    Comvita Chairman
    Neil Craig
    021 731 509
    Comvita CEO
    Brett Hewlett
    021 740 160
    Comvita Communications
    Julie Chadwick
    021 510 693
    About Comvita (
    Comvita is an international natural health and beauty products company with a
    strong New Zealand heritage. We are committed to the development of
    innovative natural health and wellbeing products, backed by credible
    scientific research. We develop and manufacture products in the categories of
    Health Care, Personal Care (Skincare and Wound Care) and Functional Foods
    (Health Foods). Manuka (leptospermum) honey is at the core of the Comvita
    product range and we are the largest manufacturer and marketer of this
    uniquely New Zealand resource. We sell into more than 18 countries through a
    network of wholesale and third-party outlets, more than 470 branded retail
    outlets throughout Asia - including 400 stores in 40 cities in mainland China
    and online. We have offices in New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan,
    Taiwan, South Korea and the United Kingdom
    End CA:00225351 For:CVT    Type:GENERAL    Time:2012-07-26 16:07:04
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