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Ann: GENERAL: CVT: Comvita OLE trial shows benefits on...

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    • Release Date: 09/03/16 09:13
    • Summary: GENERAL: CVT: Comvita OLE trial shows benefits on cardiovascular health
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    09/03/2016 09:13
    REL: 0913 HRS Comvita Limited
    GENERAL: CVT: Comvita OLE trial shows benefits on cardiovascular health
    Global natural health products company, Comvita (NZX:CVT) today announced the
    results of a randomized, placebo controlled clinical study demonstrating that
    intake of Comvita's Fresh-Picked Olive Leaf Extract (OLE) can positively
    affect blood pressure and cholesterol levels in pre-hypertensive individuals.
    The results of the study are published in the European Journal of Nutrition
    (EJN) and demonstrated that taking Comvita Extra-Strength, Fresh-Picked Olive
    Leaf Extract for six weeks lowered blood pressure and improved cholesterol
    levels in study participants, relative to a placebo.
    The clinical study involving 60 participants, was conducted in collaboration
    with the Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human Nutrition at the University of Reading
    (UK) and the School of Food and Nutrition at Massey University in New
    Zealand. This six week study builds on the findings from a similar, recent
    study published in the British Journal of Nutrition by the same research
    group (1).
    Professor Ian Rowland, co-author of the study and Head of the Hugh Sinclair
    Unit of Human Nutrition, University of Reading (UK) said, "The results are
    promising and support a natural approach to helping manage cardiovascular
    risk factors and overall health."
    "We think this is a significant finding. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the
    major cause of premature death worldwide, with clear evidence that reducing
    risk factors like elevated blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol can
    help prevent this disease."
    "This research shows that regular use of a widely available supplement can
    have a measurable, positive impact on cardiovascular health," said Professor
    Comvita CEO Scott Coulter said: "Comvita welcomes these findings and we're
    pleased to see the body of evidence strengthening in relation to Fresh Olive
    Leaf Extract.  We have an ongoing research programme, working closely with
    the University of Reading and other research institutions, to establish links
    between Olive Leaf Extract and its ability to support cardiovascular health.
    This study builds on research published in 2013, which demonstrated that
    supplementation with Olive Leaf Extract improved insulin secretion and
    efficiency in trial participants. The results from both the 2013 study and
    the current clinical trial suggest that Olive Leaf Extract supplementation
    may assist in the management of risk factors associated with chronic
    conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes and CVD (2)."
    CVD is a class of diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels and is the
    world's leading cause of death from chronic disease. The World Health
    Organization's (WHO) most recent Global Update (2014) attributes 17.5 million
    deaths annually to CVD, up from 12.3 million (25.8%) in 1990 (3).
    Small improvements in risk factors can be significant and studies suggest
    that even a 2mmHg reduction in diastolic blood pressure is associated with a
    6-7% reduction in CVD risk and a 10-15% reduction in stroke and heart attack
    (4) (5). On this basis, the effect of the Olive Leaf Extract on blood
    pressure may be associated with a 9-14% reduction in cardiovascular risk,
    making it a useful addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle.
    The study was a collaboration between the Hugh Sinclair Unit of Human
    Nutrition, University of Reading (UK) and the School of Food and Nutrition at
    Massey University in New Zealand. Funding for the research was equally
    contributed to by Comvita and an R&D Project Grant from Callaghan Innovation,
    the New Zealand government's business innovation agency.
    The study is titled: 'Impact of phenolic-rich olive leaf extract on blood
    pressure, plasma lipids and inflammatory markers- a randomized, controlled
    For further information:
    Scott Coulter, Comvita CEO, 021 386 988
    Neil Craig, Comvita Chairman, 021 731 509
    Julie Chadwick, Comvita Communications Manager, 021 510 693
    1. Lockyer, S., Corona, G., Yaqoob, P., Spencer, J. P. E., & Rowland, I.
    (2015). Secoiridoids delivered as olive leaf extract induce acute
    improvements in human vascular function and reduction of an inflammatory
    cytokine: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial.
    The British Journal of Nutrition, (15), 1-9. doi:10.1017/S0007114515001269
    2. de Bock, M., Derraik, J. G. B., Brennan, C.M., Biggs, J.B., Morgan, P.E.,
    Hodgkinson, S. C., Hofman, P.L., and Cutfield, W.S. (2013). Olive (Olea
    europaea L.) leaf polyphenols improve insulin sensitivity in middle-aged
    overweight men: a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. PloS One,
    8(3), e57622. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057622.
    3. WHO (2013): Global action plan for the prevention and control of
    non-communicable diseases 2013-2020.
    4. Implications of Small Reductions in Diastolic Blood Pressure for Primary
    Prevention. Cook N, et al. Archives of Internal Medicine, 155(7):701-709,
    April 1995.
    5. The role of combination therapy in the management of hypertension. Neutel,
    J. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 21: 1469 - 1473, June 2006.
    Background information
    About Comvita (
    Comvita (NZX:CVT) is a global natural health company committed to the
    development of innovative products, backed by ongoing investment in
    scientific research. We are the world leaders in Manuka (leptospermum) honey
    and fresh-picked Olive Leaf Extract, which are at the core of the Comvita
    product range.
    We have approximately 50% of honey supply under direct ownership or control,
    with the balance of supply from long term contractual and partnership
    arrangements. Comvita pioneered the development and use of medical grade
    Manuka honey and was the first to receive FDA approval (2007). We partner
    with US wound care company Derma Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ:DSCI), the global
    licensee for Medihoney(R) specialist wound care products, which are used in
    hospitals and medical centres around the world. Comvita's freshly picked
    Olive Leaf Extract is grown, harvested, extracted and bottled at the world's
    largest specialised olive leaf grove, with over one million olive trees.
    Comvita sells into more than 18 countries through a network of our own
    branded retail locations, online (seven country specific e-commerce websites)
    and third-party outlets. We have over 500 staff located in New Zealand,
    Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, the UK and the USA.
    About The European Journal of Nutrition
    The European Journal of Nutrition publishes original papers, reviews, and
    short communications in the nutritional sciences. It has an impact factor of
    3.467. The manuscripts submitted to the European Journal of Nutrition should
    have their major focus on the impact of nutrients and non-nutrients on
    immunology and inflammation; gene expression; metabolism; chronic diseases,
    or carcinogenesis. Or, a major focus on epidemiology, including intervention
    studies with healthy subjects and with patients; food safety, or
    biofunctionality of food and food components.
    About Callaghan Innovation, NZ
    Callaghan Innovation is an NZ Government agency supporting hi-tech business
    in New Zealand. They provide a single front door to the innovation system for
    businesses at all stages of their innovation journey - from start-ups to the
    most experienced R&D performers. They provide a range of R&D grants to add
    scale, depth and return to NZ businesses R&D investments.
    End CA:00278989 For:CVT    Type:GENERAL    Time:2016-03-09 09:13:51
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